Web Insights

Content is King

When it comes to advising clients on how to ensure your website is visible to web searches, our key message is – content is king.

Get the content right

This is ultimately where it all starts and finishes. Your website needs great content - the kind of content that speaks directly to the heart and mind of your reader. Picture this: content that’s like a friendly chat with your audience, filled with accurate, up-to-date information that feels like you're helping out a friend rather than meeting a stranger. This authenticity is your superpower in the digital universe! Search engines absolutely adore user-friendly content that resonates with real human emotions and queries. So, let your passion shine through your words with helpful, engaging and genuine content.

Get the coding right

Beyond focusing on content and search terms, we also ensure that websites are built using current best practice in coding. The big search engines have particular ways in which they “read” website content, so this essential work is done to help them best understand what your website is communicating. This means using the right HTML tags in the right places, using SEO friendly URLs and ensuring that meta tags are being used correctly. Get this right, and your website is in a good position to be noticed by Google and the rest – providing, as we’ve already said, that you’ve addressed the issue of great content.

Taking the next steps

Next, we’ll consider other helpful methods of growing the search engine rankings of our client’s website. This can include link building, adding additional content and social media strategies.

Finding your audience

So you've a great website with awesome content but can't seem to get this in front of your audience? We're experts at helping you identify your audience and find out the best way to reach them - whether that's through social media, bus shelter advertising, door knocking, online advertising or carrier pigeon.

AdWords – proceed with caution?

While for some clients, spending significant sums on Google AdWords will be a relatively quick way to dispense with a lot of hard-earned cash for little obvious return, an AdWords campaign can, for some businesses, support an organic ranking. The challenge is that their effectiveness varies greatly depending on your industry, product or service. Brighter can help guide and support you to manage your own campaigns.

It’s a long-term game

One of the most important things to remember about search engine optimisation is that it takes time. Search engines can take at least a couple weeks before they re-index your website, so it's wise to make changes at regular intervals and monitor what's working and what's not, rather than going for a large batch of changes all at once. Ultimately, while SEO is not an exact science, clients that work closely with us to continually evolve their web content ‘little and often’ are the ones that maximise their site visibility.


Over recent years Google and other search engines have increasingly shown that they are only interested in prioritising websites that continually generate great content that meets user needs.

While search terms continue to be an important component of SEO, Google has become very good at differentiating between what is user-friendly, helpful, well written content (the content that gets recognised) – and what material has been created just to attempt to climb rankings (the content that gets ignored). Here at Brighter, our main priority in search engine optimisation is to target key terms and make sure your content is well written to meet the needs of the people you want to visit your site.

Effective search engine optimisation assists Google and the others to recognise what’s in your site and what it’s all about. SEO should focus on helping search engines do their job properly, not artificially trying to influence it. Optimisation is not about keyword stuffing, keyword density, hacks, tricks or sleight of hand ruses. If you’re told that this is the way to go, you should seriously consider getting better advice!